Hi guys, well this is my final post for my Animal Cruelty and Welfare blog!!
I hope my articles, videos, pictures, information have helped you in learning more about animal cruelty and welfare.
I feel that this is a very wide and debatable issue in the world..

Animal cruelty and abuse cases seem to be on the rise, which is very worrying and their needs to be some answers!!
I feel that new laws to prevent this cruelty from happening and harsher punishments need to be in place for people that treat animals unfairly..
Animals are very harmless creatures that only show love and affection to their owners, they make great pets and like they say "dogs are a man's best friend".
I hope my blog has helped others see how these poor innocent animal suffeer and that things need to change to ensure the safety of animals worldwide...
To help save the animals, donate or become a member of any one of the organisations or societys on my blog!

nice blog ash!! was so interesting to read and i learnt so much more about animal rights! i was also introduced to new organizations that i never knew existed :) like PETA!
the pictures and videos helped me alot in understanding why animals deserve rights and tougher laws need to be made.
I also agree that it is a very debatable issue. However, its an issue that needs more looking into so animals are not being hurt everyday! If people are not made aware of animal cruelty, then it will be on the rise.
Animals also have feelings and emotions! any type of abuse is wrong because no animal deserves that!
very ineteresting blog!!
Thanks Maryam, I just wanted to make people aware of how animals do suffer very regularuly because of indesent humans who treat them this way..
Tougher laws definitely need to be put in place and the numbers of animal abuse cases will decrease rapidly!!!
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