(Saturday, 3rd June 2008).
This article is about the new craze of Duck Shooting which is now in season for the next three months.
More than 40,000 shooters will be out to take their first crack at the birds, because of the three month shooting season. National Animal Advocacy organization (SAFE) says that up to 275,000 ducks, geese and swans will be left crippled to die a slow and painful death and a further million birds will be shot and killed during the duck shooting season.
In Australia three states have banned Duck Shooting but there is no such look as yet in New Zealand. Fish and Game communications and marketing manager Ric Cullinane said hunters agreed with SAFE in the fact that wounded birds should not be left to die. The vast majority of hunters aren’t happy with all the wounded birds.
“Nobody goes out there are takes pleasure in wounding birds” he said.
Mr. Cullinane also said many people these days were accustomed to buying their meat in the supermarket and because of this they believed that shooting was cruel”.
There are many different views about this topic because some people see Duck Shooting as seasonal sport and there is nothing wrong with going out and killing thousands of birds for a bit of fun . But, there are many other people that think Duck Shooting is cruel, it is not a sport it is just people going out with guns and killing innocent birds over the three month season.
I personally think it is cruel because the birds do not deserve to be killed when they haven’t done anything wrong and what makes it worse is that many of the birds are left crippled on the ground to die a slow and painful death from hunters shooting them. To me I don’t see this as a sport, I think it is cruel and sick and it needs to be permanently banned in New Zealand to save the birds.
If hunters aren’t happy with leaving the birds to die then why do they still continue to go out and kill them? What do you guys think there reasons are?
Do you think Duck shooting should be banned in New Zealand?
Do you see Duck shooting as an appropriate sport in New Zealand?
Do you think the innocent ducks should be left crippled on the ground to die a slow and painful death?
To find out more information about Duck Shooting in New Zealand and the article from the New Zealand Herald website then click on the link below:
URL: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/category/story.cfm?c_id=1500945&objectid=10507647
So after reading this article it kind of made me think back to my whaling blog. No animal should be left to suffer and die a drawn out painful death. If they are going to hunt these birds, there should be rules put in place to stop these animals dying this way. If they are going to be killed (which i personally dont agree with), atleast give the animals a bit of sympathy and do it quick and clean. Would people like to be tortured and in pain when they die?? Absolutly not! And animals are exactly the same.
One sentenced that caught my eye was.. "The vast majority of hunters aren't happy with wounded birds," he said. "Nobody goes out there and takes pleasure in wounding birds." That in a way is good, because it means the hunters dont want to hurt the birds. Which means if there were stricter rules brought in, the hunters probably wouldnt mind, and would follow the procedures.
Its definatly an interesting issue!
Yeah to me I think that Duck Shooting should just be banned.
We are killing innocent birds just so people can have something else to do for 3 months and shot guns around the place....
What happens when the ducks become extinct because they have killed them all?? Then they move on to something new??
I dont agree with it at all!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah i dont agree with it either, but as ive realised through reading your blog and my blog, no matter how many laws are put in place or how harsh the laws are, people are still going to continue hunting and hurting animals. This issue is so similar to the whaling issue, and your right Ashleigh, one day these birds will start to become endangered and extinct, just like the whales are.
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